Welcome to our teacher training partnership


We are pleased to offer our partner studios a tailored teacher training program designed to meet the unique needs of your community, considering both business and cultural aspects. Our team of experienced trainers holds eRYT500-hour certifications and boasts years of teaching experience across various yoga styles.

Together, we will collaborate with you to create a training schedule that aligns with the specific requirements of your studio and client base, drawing from our extensive knowledge of effective practices.

Pricing, Costs & Accounting:

To secure their spot, participants are required to pay a deposit, with the option of early registration discounts and flexible payment plans. The studio will manage all registrations and payments through its online registration system.

We request a non-refundable $750 deposit from host studios to reserve training dates, as our trainers commit their schedules accordingly. The studio will handle all accounting, fostering trust within the community when it's managed through the host studio's system.

Before the first weekend of training, the host studio will provide InspireTM with the net earnings from the training. InspireTM will then deduct travel expenses, training materials, and room rental fees (if applicable) from the total revenues. We will bill the host studio for 70% of the net revenue, which the host studio will pay out in six installments after each training weekend, retaining 30%. The net amount for the host studio can range from $4,000 to $10,000 per 200-hour program, contingent on participant numbers.

Participation Requirements:

Each program necessitates a minimum of 12 fully-paid participants. If 15 or more fully-paid participants are enrolled, the host studio can choose to comp one additional participant, offer a scholarship, or arrange a work/trade arrangement for an extra participant. We prefer to cap each training at 20 participants to ensure individual attention. In cases where the minimum of 12 participants is not met, we are open to proceeding with the program, potentially with a modified arrangement, as we strive to avoid cancellations and work on a case-by-case basis.

InspireTM Expectations:

We provide trainers for each program, all of whom meet Yoga Alliance requirements for leading teacher training and have eRYT500 hours of training and years of teaching experience.

  • We create program descriptions and marketing materials for your promotional use.

  • We facilitate communication with participants before the training, addressing expectations, training schedules, pre-work, and more.

  • We manage and pre-pay for all travel arrangements.

  • We develop training manuals for all participants.

  • We ensure that all trainees meet the certification requirements and handle the certification process.

  • We train your lead teachers in our process to ensure a seamless transition with your next training.

Host Studio Expectations:

Offer a well-equipped and adequately stocked space to accommodate the training and the enrolled number of participants. If studio space is unavailable due to existing class schedules, we can assist in identifying a suitable local space.

The studio will manage all registrations and payments through its online registration system.

Promote the training across all studio marketing channels, including client newsletters, website, social media, and in-studio promotions, along with leveraging free or low-cost local marketing channels, such as Facebook groups and community boards, following our recommended marketing plan.

Provide props, particularly blocks, for use during the training.

Print the manuals provided for students before our first training weekend.

Studio Benefits:

Earn 30% of the net profit while enhancing your community with a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program.